Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Good night, sleep tight

That's it, I am going to bed. Hari ini (tadi tepatnya saat masih tanggal 3 December) ditutup dengan gong, saya muncul di JakTV bersama bapak Hermawan Kartajaya dalam acara beliau, Beyond Marketing, tepatnya jam 22:00 tadi. Kami membicarakan tentang berbagai hal melampaui marketing, it is beyond marketing. It was really exciting to discuss many things to him, most importantly, Mr. Hermawan gets my points. Of course he did. I just feel so comfortable talking to a person who gets my ideas. Well..he is not just a person..he is the Hermawan Kartajaya. I am glad and honored to be in his Beyond Marketing talk show. Personally, I really enjoy talking to him.
Untuk saya,tayangan malam ini tersebut adalah sebuah penutupan yang elegant dalam menutup aktivitas saya di hari ini. It marked my day:)
I feel content today, and now I am going to bed.
I believe tomorrow will be another great day for me (and for you!).
Thank you God for the wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

oyasumi nasai 'selamat tidur'

Anonymous said...

saya nonton acara ini, disitu mba may keliatan anggun menjawab setiap pertanyaan...